Innovation Timeline
Today’s Fast-paced Retirement Industry Demands Speed and Agility.
For over 25 years, PenChecks has led the way in marketplace innovation that helps Institutions, Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) and Plan Sponsors work faster and more efficiently.
PenChecks has set the standard for retirement distribution solutions that meet the needs of our ever-evolving industry.

Launched Amplify, the new distribution processing platform that automates and streamlines the entire benefit payment workflow, making benefit processing faster and more efficient than ever.

Rolled out an automatic distribution processing lead generation solution for brokers/advisors that does not require additional software or infrastructure

Unveiled the new PenChecks Pay Portal (P3), the industry standard for online retirement plan distribution processing.

Founded PenChecks Trust® Company of America.

Introduced PenChecks Automated Solution for Abandoned Plans, a commercially available Qualified Termination Administrator (QTA) service for institutions.

Designed the first ongoing Automatic Rollover/Missing Participant IRA reward program. Developed the nation’s first premier IRA fiduciary service that satisfied all DOL FAB 2004 – 02 (replaced by FAB 2014-01) requirements for the plan sponsor trustee.

Launched the first independent online participant benefit election collection and processing website.

Rolled out an automatic distribution processing lead generation solution for brokers/advisors that does not require additional software or infrastructure

Created and launched BenePay, the first independent online benefit distribution processing software.

Launched the National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits, a public service company dedicated to helping locate nonresponsive and missing plan participants.

Developed the first Missing Distributee® service to facilitate stale-dated and uncashed participant distribution checks.

Created the first Missing Participant IRA program in the U.S.

Designed the first outsourced participant benefit election method for plan sponsors and TPAs.

Established the first independent centralized lump sum, rollover and recurring benefit payment processing from any custodial source.
Fast, friendly expert service.
We’re here to help. Call 800.541.3938 / Schedule a Consult